Stash Saturday: The Yarn and Fiber Company

So I mentioned that I had little splurge online on The Yarn and Fiber Company’s website as compensation and therapy for minding the three crazies when DH got caught in San Francisco by the Ash Cloud. It was all delivered the other day, so I can show and tell all:

One Lace weight yarn:

Ivy Brambles Romantica Merino Lace Yarn. I don’t know what I’m going to make with this. All I want to do is cuddle it!

Two “goes” of Roving for spinning – previously blogged about:

Ivy Brambles Merino Roving in “Volcano” (l); Sereknity Blue-faced Leicester Roving in “Kismet” (r)

Three specific projects:

Sereknity Perfect Sock Yarn in “Jewel of Denial” for Jaywalkers (l); Kauni Effektgarn for Non-Reversible, Intarsia, Double-knit bag or blanket (r)


Jojoland Melody Superwash Fingering for their Swirl Shawl pattern – also purchased from The Yarn and Fiber Company. psst! Free-shipping to Ireland!

Monday Yarn-nom

Boy do I have some goodies to show you!… I picked up a parcel from the Post Office today and inside there was… five skeins of undyed Suri Alpaca and three skeins each of CHO’7 by Bergere de France in blue and wine. Mmmm….


My camera is out of charge and doesn’t seem to want to recognise the fact that it’s sitting in its cable, which is plugged in. So… Attractive as it is to claim I have a good excuse (and believe me, I was all set to) for not posting a yarn-nom today (which, let’s face it, would be the death-knell for this being a “regular” feature) I’ll plumb the depths of my yarn stash and come up with something previously photographed that I don’t believe I’ve shown you before.

To start with some Jitterbug from Collinette, which I selected because I thought it might make a good Pomatomus (from

I’ve developed a bit of thing for picking up skeins to make Pomatomus from. This skein of Lana Grossa Meilenweit Mega Boots Stretch didn’t make it.

It became my toe-up version of Undulating Rib Socks from Favorite Socks instead. 

However, this – I believe – is the definitive skein of yarn that is destined for Pomatomus-greatness. In fact, it was hand dyed, by me, with that exact pattern in mind. I wasn’t kidding about being a tad obsessed with getting the perfect skein for the pattern.